Heal the Heel

Why do our heels pain?

  • Majority of the times the pain in the heels is due to planter fascia. 
  • Planter fascia involves  the inflammation of the connective tissue that supports the foot, leading to swelling and pain.
  • It includes micro-tears, break down of collagen and scarring.

What causes this pain?

  • Long time standing job
  • Overdoing the exercise 
  • Increase in the body weight 
  • Leg length inequality 
  • Flat feet with the tendency of rolling inward
  • Heel spurs (calcium deposition)

How to deal with it preliminarily?

Self care before one goes for corticosteroids and surgery. 


  • Rest intermittently 
  • Ice packs application
  • Compression 
  • Elevation 

(Shoe modification for proper fit and arch support) 

Weight reduction

Foot rotation and arch stretching 

Calf strengthening exercises


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