
Showing posts from September, 2023

The New Vestigial?!

      Vestigial Vs. Non-Vestigial      One fine evening, my sister connected to me telephonically, I was bewildered to hear that she had been advised by her doctor to go for surgical excision of her gall bladder i.e., cholecystectomy. I voluntarily dug the topic further, asking her for the reason behind. She admitted that there was an oxalate stone long-time stuck in her gall bladder and since the organ being vestigial (as informed by her doctor) it could be harmlessly removed. Vestigial word regarding gall bladder was a news to me and I kind of popped on my chair for a second. The confession of the surgery expenses easily getting bracketed into the insurance policy was may be another reason why my sister was excited about. I asked her to hold-on for time-being since it was painless and I decided to take a urgent call on this topic. I was shocked to come across several websites (ending with ‘’s) advocating the benefits of gall bladder remova...